Purchasing and Warehouse
Welcome to the Purchasing Department of Litchfield Elementary School District. We are committed to spending LESD79 taxpayer dollars in the most efficient and effective manner.
Guiding Principles
Our District is guided in procurement procedures by several established principles. These guiding principles include but are not limited to:
Conducting all procurement in accordance with Arizona State Law, rules, regulations and LESD79 Governing Board policies.
Obtaining the best quality for the best price in a timely manner.
Maximizing and encouraging fair competition, and providing interested and qualified vendors with an opportunity to offer their products and/or services to the District.
Vendor Information
The Purchasing Department at Litchfield Elementary School District (LESD79) processes approximately 4,000 Purchase Orders each school year. We also prepare approximately 20 Invitation for Bids (IFB), Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Written Quotations annually.
LESD79 is committed for developing and administering consistent, fair and effective procurement practices while providing excellent customer service to all District Schools, Departments and Stakeholders. We strive to obtain maximum value for every dollar spent while remaining compliant with the procurement policies established by the LESD79 Governing Board, State Board of Education Procurement Rules, Uniform System of Financial Records and the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.).
The School District Procurement Rules are available on the Arizona Secretary of State’s website in Title 7 Education, Ch. 2 State Board of Education (Board), Articles 10 and 11, School District Procurement.
School District Procurement Rules the Board recently adopted are available at: Rules | Arizona State Board of Education (az.gov)
Doing Business with Public Entities in Arizona
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
How to do business with the litchfield elementary school district
An IRS W-9 form and Vendor Registration Form are required from all firms/vendors prior to the issuance of a District Purchase Order. Contact the Director of Purchasing and Warehouse to obtain the documentation. For individuals using their Social Security Number as their tax identification, the District will also require a copy of your Social Security Card and Valid Identification Card (such as a driver's license).
Current Solicitations:
LESD79 maintains its Vendor Bid Registry at AZPurchasing.org. For an opportunity to receive and respond to open solicitations, your firm must register at www.azpurchasing.org. The District encourages participation by all businesses in our solicitation process, including but not limited to: local businesses, small businesses, minority-owned firms, and women’s business enterprises.
Additionally, Litchfield Elementary School District is a member of the purchasing consortiums listed below. We utilize their contracts for purchases as well as our own Litchfield contracts. If you are interested in learning more about these consortiums, click on the links below to be directed to their websites.
- Arizona State Procurement Office (SPO)
- Greater Phoenix Purchasing Consortium of Schools (GPPCS)
- Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (SAVE)
- Mohave Educational Services Cooperative (MESC)
- 1Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA)
- OMNIA Partners (OMNIA)
Litchfield Procurement also maintains current vendor information on registered vendors. If you are a registered vendor with the District and have had a change of address, tax change, merger, etc. please email Purchasing Department with the details about the change. We will send you new documents to complete and return in order to keep our records up-to-date.
The RFP for benefits can be viewed on the AZ Purchasing website (https://www.azpurchasing.org/
surplus disposal
The District utilizes two venues for disposal of surplus materials/ equipment. Refer to the information below for the auctioneer information.
For Online Auctions, all Bidders are required to follow the Terms and Conditions for Online Sales. Review the Internet-Based Sales, District's Current Listings and Instructions for bidding online on the vendor website are linked below. All Online Auctions Shall be Posted for minimum of fourteen (14) days.
LIVE Auction: Sierra Auction Management, 3570 Grand Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85019. Phone: 602-242-7121.
ONLINE Auction: The Public Group, LLC www.publicsurplus.com
Terms and Conditions of Online Sales
Online Auction Sales Terms and Conditions
Litchfield Standard Disclaimers
Additional Information
Director of Purchasing
Purchasing Agents:
Shelly Catlin
Community Education, District Office, Facilities, Food Service, Special Education, Technology
Joyanna Strope
Curriculum, Elementary and Middle School Supplies, Transportation, Nursing Supplies
Purchasing Tech: General Questions and Vendor Relations
Fixed Assets and Records Management Accountant
Russell Randel
Warehouse Supervisor
Manuel Fimbres
Main Warehouse Address:
18921 West Thomas Road, Building E
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
Warehouse Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.