Move On When Reading
Litchfield Elementary School District follows Arizona’s Move On When Reading policy, which is designed to provide students with evidence-based, effective reading instruction in kindergarten through third grade in order to position them for success as they progress through school, college, and career. The legislation in A.R.S §15-701, A.R.S §15-704, and A.R.S §15-211 (as amended by HB2026) explains the requirements for pupil promotion, early literacy instruction, and accountability for student achievement in reading.
All K-3 students are screened three times a year for potential reading difficulties using our universal literacy screener, Acadience. The purpose of universal screening is to identify students who may be at risk of reading difficulties, so that LESD educators can provide specialized instruction and intervention to ensure all students are on track to meet grade-level reading benchmarks.
Guardians are informed of universal screening and MOWR legislation at the beginning of each school year, or upon entry to a LESD school. Following Acadience universal screening, the guardian(s) of any K-3 student whose screening data is below benchmark will receive a letter that includes: a description of the student's current needs in reading, the interventions that are available to provide additional instruction and intervention to meet those needs, and notification about the promotion/retention legislation included with MOWR. Parents will also receive a link to ADE's parental strategies to support reading proficiency at home, available in English and Spanish. This letter does NOT mean a child has dyslexia, but rather notifies guardians of the instructional action that will be taken to ensure all students are on track to achieve grade-level reading benchmarks and prevent future reading difficulties.
Arizona Department of Education provides answers to frequently asked questions, including the role of third grade assessments and explanations of good cause exemptions. Please also see Arizona Department of Education's MOWR site for guardians for information about Move on When Reading legislation and for tips for families to promote early literacy development.