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A Tax Credit, which is the dollar-for dollar reduction of your tax liability, is better than a tax deduction, which only reduces your taxable income before taxes are computed.

Instead of sending all your state taxes to the State of Arizona, you can make a contribution to a public school. A.R.S. §43-1089.01 allows taxpayers a TAX CREDIT  up to $200.00 for “Single” or “Head of Household” tax filers and up to $400.00 for “Married Couple Filing a Joint Return” when contributing to EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES in public schools. This gives you the opportunity to help your local school. The tax credit is available to all taxpayers, regardless of whether they have children in school. It would be advisable to consult your tax advisor regarding your specific tax status.


Extracurricular activity means any optional, non-credit educational or competitive school sponsored activity that supplements the education program of the school. Activities such as sports, visual and performing arts, field trips, outdoor education or character education programs can be funded with tax credit money. Extracurricular activities do not include any events that are recreational, amusement or tourist activities.

You may select which school and which program you would like to support. The amount of the tax credit you take does not have to be for the total allowance. You can make a difference in our schools with just $50.00, $75.00, or $100.00. In addition, the credit may be split between one or more schools and/or one or more programs. 


Complete the attached form and return to the school of your choice by April 15, 2020 or mail to the District Office prior to April 15, 2020 in order to take it off your State of Arizona taxes at the time you file for 2019. Arizona Tax Credit Donation Form
Create an online payment by going to this link  

It is easy! The District will provide you with a receipt verifying that you have contributed to an eligible extracurricular activity.

For more information contact Wendy Taylor at the District Office, 623-535-6000.

When you provide a check as payment, you authorize the Litchfield Elementary School District (LESD) either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction

School Nurse

The Role of the School Nurse

Your school nurse strives to help keep students healthy and in school. The nurse is available to help with your child's medical needs. The nurse also provides the following services:

  • Annual vision and hearing screenings for students. If your child does not pass a screening, you will receive a referral from the nurse. Please follow up with the appropriate health care provider and communicate those findings back to the school nurse.
  • First aid to injured and/or sick students.
  • Administers medications.
  • Administers necessary medical procedures as coordinated with parents and health care providers to maintain student health and participation in school curriculum and activities.
  • Communicates with parents regarding health issues of their children.
  • Trains and supports teachers, staff and students regarding health-related issues.
  • Maintains school health records to include immunizations and reports communicable diseases as required by law.

Beginning of the School Year Information
For any student that will need to have a supply of medication at school, please bring the medication in BEFORE the first day of school. The school nurse will be available the week before school starts to receive medications. Medications can be brought into the school nurse throughout the school year. No student may carry any type of medication to or from school. An adult must bring medications into the nurse's office.

End of the School Year Information
If your child has medication at school, it will need to be picked up on or before the last day. Any medications that are not picked up will be disposed of one week after the end of the school year.

Directory of School Nurses

School Name Phone
Barbara B. Robey Elementary Lisa Carr, LPN 623-547-1418
Belen Soto Elementary Jill Smith, RN 623-547-3418
Corte Sierra Elementary   623-547-1018
Dreaming Summit Elementary Kimberly Andersen, RN 623-547-1218
Litchfield Elementary Gina Barile, LPN 623-535-6118
Mabel Padgett Elementary Jennifer Pilato, RN 623-547-3218
Palm Valley Elementary Linda Ragab, LPN 623-535-6418
Rancho Santa Fe Elementary   623-535-6518
Scott L. Libby Elementary Jennifer Webb, LPN 623-535-6218
Verrado Elementary Christie Brown, RN  623-547-1618
Verrado Heritage Elementary Casey Martinez, LPN 623-547-3318
L. Thomas Heck Middle Jennifer Ybarra, LPN 623-547-1718
Verrado Middle Stacey Schubert, RN 623-547-1318
Western Sky Middle Tina Cao, RN 623-535-6318
Wigwam Creek Middle Cynthia Rockwell, LPN 623-547-1118