Special Education Preschool
Special Education Preschool
At LESD, we believe that all of our children deserve the very best programming to meet each and every one of their diverse needs! We provide a continuum of services for all of our learners to ensure we are challenging and supporting each of our learners to be the very best they can be!
We have several developmental preschool programs that provide a smaller staff to student ratio than our typical preschool programs. Each one of these programs is placed on a campus where they have a typical preschool program to partner with for projects, recess, activities, etc. These developmental programs are offered at Dreaming Summit Elementary School, Mabel Padgett Elementary School, Rancho Santa Fe Elementary School, Scott L. Libby Elementary School and Verrado Elementary School. In addition, we have a program called PEER that is located at both Barbara Robey Elementary School and Scott Libby Elementary.
Peer Mentor (PEER) classes are fully licensed, smaller three day per week program offering discounted tuition to typical (non-disabled) students at Barbara Robey Elementary and Scott Libby Elementary. Class size is limited to no more than 16 students, and half of the students in the class are typical students or "peer mentors," and the other half have mild developmental disabilities. This proven model encourages both the typical students and the students with special needs to learn how to be friends and to help each other in a nurturing environment with extra support. Each of the two classes has a credentialed teacher-facilitator with one or more assistants, and a Special Education certified supervising teacher directs and assists both classes.
All of our typical Community Education Programs also serve students with IEPs who, based on their needs, require a less restrictive environment to flourish! Our Special Education teachers and Related Service providers deliver the services, as stated in the students’ IEPs, within the typical preschool setting.
We have the very best Preschool Evaluation Team that works diligently to ensure the very best placement is recommended for each and every one of our amazing students!
Developmental Screenings
If you are interested in having your child screened for services please contact the Preschool Program Specialist at 623-535-6068. We require the child is 3 years old and that you live within the Litchfield Elementary School District boundaries. Screenings are done approximately every 45 days (throughout the school calendar) at no cost to district residents. You will need to fill out a developmental registration packet and provide a valid birth certificate, updated shot record and proof of residency (gas or electric bill).
Our office is located at 250 E. Sagebrush St. Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 (directly behind Litchfield Elementary School).
Please note: Registration packets are not available online and will need to be picked up in person.
LESD Speech and Language Resource https://sites.google.com/lesd.k12.az.us/speech/home