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A Tax Credit, which is the dollar-for dollar reduction of your tax liability, is better than a tax deduction, which only reduces your taxable income before taxes are computed.

Instead of sending all your state taxes to the State of Arizona, you can make a contribution to a public school. A.R.S. §43-1089.01 allows taxpayers a TAX CREDIT  up to $200.00 for “Single” or “Head of Household” tax filers and up to $400.00 for “Married Couple Filing a Joint Return” when contributing to EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES in public schools. This gives you the opportunity to help your local school. The tax credit is available to all taxpayers, regardless of whether they have children in school. It would be advisable to consult your tax advisor regarding your specific tax status.


Extracurricular activity means any optional, non-credit educational or competitive school sponsored activity that supplements the education program of the school. Activities such as sports, visual and performing arts, field trips, outdoor education or character education programs can be funded with tax credit money. Extracurricular activities do not include any events that are recreational, amusement or tourist activities.

You may select which school and which program you would like to support. The amount of the tax credit you take does not have to be for the total allowance. You can make a difference in our schools with just $50.00, $75.00, or $100.00. In addition, the credit may be split between one or more schools and/or one or more programs. 


Complete the attached form and return to the school of your choice by April 15, 2020 or mail to the District Office prior to April 15, 2020 in order to take it off your State of Arizona taxes at the time you file for 2019. Arizona Tax Credit Donation Form
Create an online payment by going to this link  

It is easy! The District will provide you with a receipt verifying that you have contributed to an eligible extracurricular activity.

For more information contact Wendy Taylor at the District Office, 623-535-6000.

When you provide a check as payment, you authorize the Litchfield Elementary School District (LESD) either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction

Boundary Change Information


On January 9th, 2024, the Litchfield Elementary School District (LESD79) Governing Board approved a series of phased boundary changes to balance enrollment across the district. These changes will be implemented gradually over the next three years, beginning in 2024-2025, through a phased-in approach. These changes were adopted to address our district's current enrollment disparities and align with anticipated growth. 

A Boundary Committee Task Force composed of parents, staff, and community members developed these recommendations over several months. During this process, the Boundary Committee reviewed enrollment data, growth projections, transportation considerations, open enrollment numbers, and community feedback. The goal was to relieve overcrowding at specific campuses on the district's west side, while working to solve the issue of declining enrollment in several east-side schools. The committee also considered the projected growth happening in our north-west side of the district. 

Please reach out to the district office with any specific questions you may have regarding the approved boundary adjustments and phase timelines. We appreciate the community’s support and patience as we work to meet the needs of all our students.

Phased Approach

The first phase focuses on establishing boundaries for the new K-8 School, which is currently called School 17. With the approval of the bond, we will begin building School 17; however, while it is being built and to begin in the 24/25 school year, L. Thomas Heck School will begin to house K-5 students associated with the new School 17. With the phased approach, L. Thomas Heck School will continue to serve next year's 7th and 8th grade students. Fifth-grade students promoted from Barbara B. Robey Elementary School will attend Wigwam Creek Middle School and Dreaming Summit Elementary School students will attend Western Sky Middle School. Palm Valley Elementary School (PVE) will also be a part of the phased-in approach and will become a K-8 school over the next several years. Starting in the 24/25 school year, Palm Valley Elementary School will become a K-6 campus; the majority of their 5th graders will stay at PVE and become 6th graders except for three grid codes, 65a, 65c, and 65e, who will be moving to Mabel Padgett Elementary School and Western Sky Middle School starting next school year. 

This phased approach provides an opportunity to grandfather current middle school students into campuses they currently attend, during the transition while redirecting some elementary school students to relieve overcrowding. This means, if you have a student who will be in 7th or 8th grade next year, they have the opportunity to stay at their current school. 

●    Academy/Magnet School to begin 25/26 School Year (SY)
●    Allow for 7th and 8th grade students at L. Thomas Heck School, Verrado Middle School, Western Sky Middle School, and Belen Soto Elementary School to stay at their current school        during the 24/25 School Year (SY)
●    Palm Valley Elementary School will house 6th grade for 24/25 SY, 7th grade 25/26 SY and 8th grade 26/27 SY
●    6th grade students from Dreaming Summit Elementary School will move to Western Sky Middle School in 24/25 SY
●    6th grade students from Barbara B. Robey Elementary School will move to Wigwam Creek Middle School in 24/25 SY
●    All other moves would be made starting 24/25 SY

Grid Maps 2024 - 2025

A detailed boundary map and listings of which areas will shift school assignments by phases are available. While change can be challenging, these adjustments are necessary to best serve all of LESD79 students. We aim to make the transitions smooth for our students and families. 

School 2024-2025 changes

NEW School 17 Principal

Verrado Elementary Principal, Luke Jankee, has been selected to serve as principal to lead the new construction, School 17. Mr. Jankee’s extensive experience and dedication make him an excellent choice for this important role.

Mr. Jankee served as principal of Western Sky Middle School for three years and as the leader of the SuperSTARS at Verrado Elementary School for the past 12 years, where he showcased outstanding leadership and a deep commitment to educational excellence. Throughout his tenure, Mr. Jankee has fostered a positive and inclusive culture, ensuring the success and well-being of his students and staff.

Graphic of School 17 Principal Luke Jankee

We are confident that Mr. Jankee’s leadership will be instrumental in establishing a strong foundation for School 17 and guiding its future students to success. His vision for creating a supportive and enriching learning environment aligns perfectly with our district's values and goals.

We look forward to his leadership and the positive impact he will undoubtedly make on our newest school community.

New School 17 site - Perryville & Glendale Ave. 

Map demonstrating school 17 location

Boundary Change Recommendation Presentation

Boundary Change Recommendation Presentation to Governing Board


Students and Families